Who We Are
Introduction to Ripple Effect project
Our methods
This project is led by an interdisciplinary team from the University of Sussex in partnership with Friends of the River Medway.
We won a competitive and prestigious seed grant by Sussex Sustainability Research Programme SSRP. The Ripple Effect project is funded until July 2024 but we expect to expand (ripple out) across fresh water systems and over time, collaborating with existing projects and stakeholders.
University of Sussex
Dr. Lucila Newell
Lecturer in Human Geography, Ripple Effect project social research lead.
Dr Ellen Rotheray
Senior Lecturer in Ecology and Evolution, Ripple-effect Natural sciences research led.
Brena Collyer de Aguiar
Senior Learning Technologist, Ripple effect website and data creative support.
Friends of the River Medway
Rachel Millward
Rachel Millward is Deputy Leader Wealden District Council (Green Party) and co-founder of Friends of the River Medway.
Ffion Thomas
One of the founders of Friends of the River Medway, and a Conservator of Ashdown Forest. She is currently studying for a PhD researching the effects of soil health on the tree disease, ash dieback at Coventry University, and has an MSc in Sustainable Food and Natural Resources from the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT).
Cllr. Christina Coleman
District Councillor for Danehill and Fletching, representing the Green Party; former Chair of Wealden District Council; Masters in Environment, Development and Policy from the University of Sussex.
Stephanie Chapman
Community Engagement Coordinator at Withyham Parish Council, where she established and Clerks the WPC Climate and Ecology Advisory Group. She has a BA (Hons) in Philosophy from the University of Cardiff.